The cutting edge hacksaw

The original industrial cast iron base of this hacksaw just makes it. A nice bit of kit for any workshop and comes with original grime.
Dials of Destiny

This is just a small selection of the dials we have for you to hire. We supply a huge variety of shape and size dial and have many series of multiples or similars. If you wish to mount them within a control panel or have them linked up with tube and cable we can work […]
How about this beast of a meter?

Imagine showing your electricity man this monster meter. The big clear dials really stand out and the whole thing rolls around smoothly on its heavy duty casters. It would fit right in to any bunker or end of world control room and is equally cool as a stand alone object of interest.
The old tube TV tower.

Sit down and warm up to these old cathode ray tube TV’s. Old and heavy and cool as. Powerhouse stocks a variety of shapes, sizes and colour. John Logie Baird (besides a couple of other scientists from around the world) has a lot to answer for 😉 Stay tuned for more folks!
It’s time to project the right image.

Eumig P8 silent cine projector for 8mm film. This was Eumig’s most popular projector, made between 1954 and 1969. Take a look at some of our other film related items in the images following.
There’s something in the air.

A set of Barographs of various age and in various condition; originally used for recording changes in barometric or atmospheric pressure on a graph. You could of course use it to measure shock waves, sound waves, seismic shock or whatever else you can dream up. 7 available.
Get the right balance with these precision testers.

These are two really unusual original precision torsion balances. They are essentially an equal arm balance that uses horizontal steel bands instead of pivots and bearings to measure precise weight. In this case the Dutch one on the left is for anything up to 25milligrams and the one on the right up to 500milligrams. Clever […]
The blueprint for success.

Along with the industrial equipment we acquire we also salvage smaller items to compliment your sets. We love the history associated with some of our stock items – for instance we have historical papers from a Rotherham man who fixed everything and anything and had the most amazing house full of stuff. From war exemption […]
Everyone needs a Diascope on their desk.

This one is for looking at transparent objects mounted on slides. This illuminated desk top version has an inbuilt measurement screen. Place it with some of our other old equipment to make it look at home in any old laboratory.
Bring out the mad scientist in you.

Here at Powerhouse Props we love to find old scientific gear. We have a wide range of unusual scientific instruments in stock which you can use imaginatively on set. From strange lenses and optical equipment to measuring instruments and stands.