Workshop Setup

Get down and dirty. Texture, colour and shape. We stock various tables and desks, storage cupboards and drawers, and many smaller complimentary items such as tools, lights, bins, dirty paint brushes, rags, and papers.
Oscilloscopes Setup

Ground control to… Listen, we just like all the nobs, screens and twiddlers! Many multiples of testing and monitoring gear in stock. Some function, some don’t.
Scientific Setup

Lab coat at the ready. Desk microscopes, electron microscope, old slides, measuring equipment, scales, lab glassware and much more.
A rare original pump truck

This rare 1960’s Atlas original pump truck must have moved a mountain over the years. It has been rescued from a back yard and has been neglected and long forgotten until now. We will see if we can get it functioning again.
Foot driven drill press

This wonderful drill stands at roughly 5ft tall and would have been a key bit of kit back in its day. It must have been pleasing to use with its treadle multi speed belt drive. Okay, it doesn’t work as it has a few important pieces missing but who cares? It looks great.
Our wonderful mill cart trolley

This is our four wheeled friend that works so well and carries great loads! It has its original woodwork and rust as far as we can tell. I bet this old mill cart has seen some graft over the years. This industrial mill trolley cart is suitable for many a scene.
Old industrial belt driven oiler

An important bit of kit to keep your bigger cogs turning and your work efficiently lubricated. A wonderful cast iron, belt driven, solid bit of workshop history. We do have a soft spot for cool wheels.
The beautiful classic Holophane

Reclaimed from a variety of industrial and MOD sites. A variety of size and shape available. Feel free to use water based paints to age them. We love these so much we have them hung at home. Image 1 – 12 available. image 2 – 100 available.
The future is bright

Heavy cast aluminium body with glass shades. They arrived finished in a lovely variation of green brown colours and with scratches and dirt build up. 42 available.
‘Tint int tin

More industrial storage solutions available to rent. These galvanised tins are tough, stackable and easy shift with their handy handles. Powerhouse has a good variety to choose from. If you don’t want the racking you can rent the tins alone. X3 full sets available.