Everyone needs a Diascope on their desk.
This one is for looking at transparent objects mounted on slides. This illuminated desk top version has an inbuilt measurement screen. Place it with some of our other old equipment to make it look at home in any old laboratory.
The correct load of course
This cool bit of kit reminds us of a slot machine. It has some aesthetically pleasing details and is a pretty chunky industrial instrument.
Get a closer look with this lit magnifying stand.
This is one versatile magnifier on an adjustable, scientific style stand. The original toggle switches work nicely and the tube bulbs are easily replaceable and available. At present it is mid grey and we are happy for you to change the colour of it.
Gas lighting in a good way.
We love these old galvanised Bullfinch gas tripod lights. The strong tripods are adjustable and come with the lamp. Feel free to rewire it and dirty it up a bit more. 1 available.
Lets shed some light on this scene.
Medical lights, camera, action! Three matching lights and a couple of randoms. All adjustable and on wheeled bases. The largest has a counter balance and is very tall when in the upright position. 5 available.